IceHogs Raise More Than $26,000 for Cancer Care and Research

ROCKFORD, Ill. –The Rockford IceHogs today announced that they have raised a total of $26,874 in funds from their Hockey Fights Cancer initiatives through the month of November. Proceeds will primarily benefit the SwedishAmerican Foundation, with a portion of the funds also going to Brovember, Inc. and Love Your Melon.
Combined with last year’s Hockey Fights Cancer efforts, the IceHogs have donated $48,416 toward cancer care and research.
Rockford’s second-annual Hockey Fights Cancer game took place on Friday, Nov. 29 and featured special-edition purple jerseys, IceHogs-inspired Love Your Melon beanies, raffles and personalized stick dedications to honor those who’ve battled or are currently battling cancer. The jerseys were auctioned in-person at the game, via the DASH app platform and on the IceHogs’ eBay page and sold for an average of nearly $1,000 each.
In addition, IceHogs defenseman Ian McCoshen generously offered to match fan donations of up to $1,500 to Brovember, Inc., an organization that promotes men’s health awareness. The IceHogs and McCoshen held a special check presentation on Dec. 11 to award Brovember, Inc. founder, Dave Armstrong, with $3,000 to further the organization’s initiatives.
Hockey Fights Cancer and Brovember are part of the IceHogs’ season-long community outreach efforts, which are sponsored by Comcast. For more information on the IceHogs Charitable Foundation and IceHogs charitable initiatives, visit icehogs.com/community/icehogs-charitable-foundation.